Whether you have a tractor or car, there are a few spare parts that are quite expensive, if you want to buy from a dealer. However, if you want to buy them at an affordable price range then prefer to buy a used part instead. If the used part is purchased from the same model and make of any old vehicle then you will be sure about its originality.
Therefore, nowadays the demand for such used parts is increasing, as the market is flooded with various substandard and duplicate parts, which is very difficult to identify even by a professional.
So, if you are buying any spare parts of any used Kubota graveyard tractor then you are sure about its originality and at the same time being a used part, it will cost you less as compared to any new parts purchased from the market, whose quality you may be unsure about. The same also goes true for your cars or any other vehicles too.
While buying such used parts all that you have to do is identify the parts and know the name of your tractor or car model. Those who are dealing with these used parts will sell you at much-discounted rates and thus you can save a lot of money.
However, you need to exercise a few cautions while buying such used parts. Before buying the parts from any source you must first establish the authenticity of the seller or the store from where you are buying.
You must personally visit the dealer rather than calling on the phone or buying online. Almost 70% of the used or damaged car parts can be easily used again, just by removing them out from the used vehicle. There are a few tractor salvage yards available within the farming community from where you can easily get the necessary parts of your tractor.
Before you buy them you must do the following checks:
- Check the specification or part number
Check the part number of the spare part that must be matching with yours.
- Assess the condition of the parts
The condition of the part in question is extremely important. It is necessary to establish that the part is in working condition. It will be good to take the help of an experienced mechanic to check the part and ensure that it is in perfect working condition.
Particularly if the part is electronics then be a little extra careful and ensure that it is perfectly compatible with your vehicle.
- Assess the condition how it is fitted
Check whether the part is originally fitted in the old vehicle or it has been serviced and then refitted. If you notice any visual damage or deformation in the part then better do not buy it.
- Know the model number of used vehicle
Before buying the part make sure that the model and make of the original vehicle that should be matching with your vehicle.
- Negotiate the price
Do not accept the price quoted by the seller and try to negotiate it and come to a settlement before you buy it.